Adam Blatner

Words and Images from the Mind of Adam Blatner

Orders of Magnitude of Complexity

Originally posted on July 22, 2017

When the number of variables transcend what is relevant for a dimension, then it’s time to pop up to a higher dimension. For example, surfaces in two dimensions can have complex colors patterns, or geometric figures, as well as variations of length, but one dimensional existences cannot appreciate such phenomena. Lines have length but no color.

In three dimensions, one can “feel” texture—a dimensional quality that may be represented in two dimensions—on can draw fur, for example–,  but one cannot “feel the texture. One can represent perspective in two dimensions, but it’s difficult to successfully communicate depth.

We experience things as “real” in three dimensions, but things become even more real when they grow, shrivel, are born, die, etc.—that is, exhibit the effects of time! However, humans don’t generally appreciate the passage of time unless their attentions are called to it.

Humans in fact have mind, and through that they perceive the lower dimensions. Animals do to. But humans alone also inhabit what I call a 6th dimension of noticing what could have been, or what might yet be—i.e., the subjunctive.

At the 7th dimension one recognizes that language, anthropology, and other fields are able to compare different cultures and how they think differently. At the 8th dimension seeming opposites are reconciled and one experiences what is commonly called mysticism.
So it is that there are hierarchies of space-matter that become sublimated through time to be mind as that which experiences, and further, consciousness that is aware—more or less—of the other types of mind.

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