Adam Blatner
Words and Images from the Mind of Adam Blatner
November, 2010
Prosopagnosia and Other Ability Differences
In the New Yorker of August 30, 2010, Oliver Sacks wrote an article titled “Face-blind: the perils of prosopagnosia” (pp. 36-43). He himself has a moderate case of this difficulty in recognizing other people’s faces, and sometimes even neighborhoods, unless there are other guiding cues he can use to remind himself. This seems to be […]
Posted in Essays and Papers, Psychological Literacy, Psychotherapy and Psychiatry | 2 Comments »
Magical Thinking
My wife reminded me that this bit of psychodynamic jargon may not be easily understood by most people, the term “magic” immediately drawing them into their own associations to that term. I realized (of course!) that she’s right, and that I’d grown so used to the term that I thought people knew what it meant. […]
Posted in Follies, Psychological Literacy | No Comments »