Adam Blatner

Words and Images from the Mind of Adam Blatner

The “Cultural Conserve”

Originally posted on December 27, 2017

That was the name of the category of whatever has been conserved, even for a time. It may be for a day, for a month; it may involve sports or war news. It man celebrate or virtually moan.

I realize that I have been one of the guardians of the cultural conserve in the fields of psychodrama and sociometry, and I am interested in who else might identify themselves in those roles. I want to become acquainted with those who make some effort to conserve the papers and books about the topics I mentioned.

Perhaps you have copies of presentations at old conferences, or know the names and email addresses of those who present—and would be willing to connect with them. I realize that some not-insignificant percentage of presentations at conferences might be ephemera, passing events that may have been of value at the time, but now we have a world-wide community and we’d all like the option of partaking of the efforts and insights of the presenters.

I’m sure some of you have written up things that never saw the light, or were hand-outs for local conferences. I’m growing old and looking for others who will take up the role as guardian and co-perpetuator of the cultural conserve. Even if someone’s work is not of interest to me person-ally or I don’t see how it relates to psychodrama or sociometry, it still may be rewarding to someone else who sees it as a stimulus for his or her own work; and so the job of the one who perpetuates the cultural conserve is validated.

I am growing older and weaker, but my colleagues need to know about presentations at other conferences, for example, or in other journals, other languages. Translations are appreciated.

Finally, my growing insight is that Moreno’s work transcends the psychiatric and psycho-therapeutic, and attends to a wider field of understanding and offering ways for helping others to understand, not only topics related to psychiatry, but also topics related to other fields that have little or nothing to do with the "sick" role.

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