Adam Blatner

Words and Images from the Mind of Adam Blatner

The Higher “I”

Originally posted on September 21, 2017

I’ve become increasingly aware that I’m only part-way between me and not-me. There are parts of me that are spontaneous, and realistically speaking I should not take credit for these parts or their products. I’m tempted to say, like Jack Horner in the nursery rhyme, “Oh, what a good boy am I!” But a couple of moment’s reflection shows me that much of what “I” do isn’t done by my working out the words—either in writing or speaking.

Oh, indeed, I have the illusion that I do it, but then again I have that illusion in dreams, too! I know often I didn’t plan to do whatever I get credit for—amusing, clever, etc. (For that matter I get blamed or forgiven for things again which I don’t plan.)  Innumerable are the behaviors that are mine—only in that they’re no one else’s—but again I didn’t try to do either wonderful, bright, or foolish things.

Then who? Well, there are many physiological functions that I hardly do, or only partially do— but rather are done “automatically” by my higher—or lower—self. Who is this “self” that takes credit for what I haven’t planned or consciously done—but wants to avoid blame for some other things with the same provenance.

The point is that there are dimensions of “self” (in quotations) that are hardly self. Some are instinctive, automatic, built-in or learned early, un-willed. That building-in may come from higher or wiser self than ever we ourselves could do. Other abilities may arise more from “higher” dimensions. The real point is that it’s not from that part of ourselves that we associate with “our will.”  It’s also more than mere “habit” born of practice. There may be parts of “us” which are significantly “greater” than us! Whoa!

One Response to “The Higher “I””

  • felicia white-meyers says:

    You are a gem. 
    I finished the book title “the hacking of the American mind by Robert H. Lustig. It is basically about the corporate takeover of our bodies and mind as explained through the definition and difference of pleasure and happiness. Lustig is a pediatrician with a law degree and he eloquently explains this phenomenon from the framework of endocrinology. Every discipline can explain the human condition and experiences from the many diverse perspectives that exist. Maybe these perspectives could be considered dimensions. So, through biochemistry (pathways of dopamine vs serotonin) he explains behaviors. There is more but for this discussion this is enough ground work. The dimensions of dopamine (pleasure) vs serotonin (happiness or contentment) it could be said that this is the automatic built in dimensions of the self. In the book, he discusses if we have free “will” and ways it is usurped by FDA, big pharma and the like. I wonder if “good boy or bad, credited behaviors willed or unwilled” are not illusions, or dreams. Maybe they are the various dimensions of us. Dimensions that can only be glimpse through the ways the various disciplines inform us to. High/lower, incredible/mediocre, or asleep/wise and awake could be expressions of the “great self”. Food for and from my thoughts.

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