Adam Blatner
Words and Images from the Mind of Adam Blatner
The Low-Down on the Higher-Ups
Originally posted on March 20, 2015
They aren’t really “higher,” or at least not in all ways. Rather, there are other dimensions, more than 4 dimensions. For example, I have a memory of a past life when I was an elf in Santa’s workshop (level 9 row 4, choo-choo train assembly line. We elves were sooo excited to be part of what was really a gigantic act of loving, symbolized by gifts to young children. But it was also a gift to parents who felt they had help in giving gifts!
Part of the excitement was that some of us good imaginators—it’s an official role at the North Pole (it’s not really the “North Pole” as a geographic point of the compass, but actually a metaphor for speaking about another dimension close to our world)—some of us imagine our collective myth: At the north pole (so to speak) Santa’s workshop is abuzz. The thing to realize is that the elves are very clever with their little magical hands but very simple little critters: Become like a child? They don’t need to be reminded.
They sing and whistle while they work and take little moments out to dance and be merry. They dearly enjoy making people happy, and not just children! They get extra happy at Christmastime. (It turns out that they do this for all religions at different times, and at non "holiday" times they also enjoy giving grace-filled gifts. Sometimes just an unexpected smile from a nice person is a gift.
So there are angels as sort of managers of grace-giving, doing the work of higher-ups, and there are the little elves that do the busy-work, attend to many of the details. The reason "they" haven’t told you this is because they don’t know how to put stuff into words. But I’ve been there, I was one; and I have this gift of transmitting right brain experience into left-brain language—at least somewhat.
So often what we see in many forms at the Holidays is an outward manifestation of a deep inner truth that takes different forms in different parts of the world, but the common denominator is that there are many forces working to help all your best dreams to come true!
Hahahaha!! Thank you, Adam–again:)))
Reading this brought big chuckles and shared it with my boyfriend.
We are sitting in our hotel room while he tunes the 4 samples.
Out of the abyss and back on the horse!! The depression fog has dissolved.
Oh, the beauty of the mind–how the mind is everything!
Laying out new patterns, being patient for the patterns to take hold, and loving the self.
“The continuous action of moving the mind towards positivity, responsibility and recouragement”.
Just drove 50hours cross country from Reno to NYC.
The start up is up! His machine he invented is finished and now we will be meeting some of the vendors on the East Coast and meeting with supporters and friends who first tried the machine prototype 5 years ago. Want to let you know how thankful I am of you taking the time to correspond with me, keeping me positive and reflective.
You are right about the awakening and getting my bearings again.:)
Good,Better, Best,
Never rest.
Until Good becomes Better and Better, Best!–
One of my favorite poems and by Mother Goose
Sending love to you and your wife:)