Here's a quote---from the Foreword to The Art of Play written by Ashley Montagu, the late noted anthropologist and author of the book, "Growing Young":
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The Art of Play: Helping Adults Reclaim Imagination and Spontaneity (3rd. ed., 1997), by Adam Blatner, M.D. & Allee Blatner.
(Published by Brunner/Mazel, later Routledge, 1997, now out of
print and being revised into a 4th edition. )
(First edition published by authors in 1985 in Texas---a spiral-bound
version; second edition published in 1987 by Human Sciences Press.)
Comments welcome: Email to
The Art of Play: Message to CIIS Drama Therapy Students
This book is out of print, but being revised for a new edition.
As a favor to my friend Renee Emunah, in the interim I've made
the book available to you for study at no cost (i.e., free).
First published, August, 2008; Revised and Re-Published, July 19, 2011.:
In return, your suggestions for improvement will be greatly
appreciated. I need updated references, anecdotes, what has worked for
you, etc. If I use more than a few lines of your suggestions,
I'll mention your name in the acknowledgments of the next edition.
Table of Contents
Foreword by Ashley Montagu, Ph.D. ...h
Preface to the Revised Edition
1: A Psychology and Philosophy of Play 1
2: Play, Pleasure & Paradox 10
3. The Benefits of Play h 18
4. An Orientation to the Art of Play 25
5. The Extended Session-An Example 40
6. Fundamentals of Enactment 55
7. Elaborating Roles 66
8. Using Psychodramatic Techniques 74
9. Integrating Other Dimensions of Spontaneity 83
Section II: Countering the Psychological and Cultural Inhibitions to Play
10. The Inhibition of Play 92
11. Reality and Fantasy 108
12. Play's Vulnerability to Judgment 115
Section III: Applications
13. Applying Sociodramatic Methods in Education 124
14. Playfulness, and Psychotherapy 134
15. The Spirit of Play h 144
16. The Future of Play h 154
General References 161
General Bibliography on Play 177
Index 183