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September 1, 2013... That's enough.
Images cannot suffice. On this planet people need words to help intuit the many connections implied by these images. The word-juggling left brain offers the advantages of helping to make connections to a wide variety of categories that then invite those parts accessed by the right brain to figure out what all this "means." (On those planets with moderately higher consciousness these connections are more implicit and obvious, but humans need to get it broken down! The good news is that humanity is to some degree capable of "getting" what will be presented. In service of upliftment of consciousness throughout the cosmos, then, these "explanations" are offered.
Adam's Mandala (as an example)
We begin by a little picture of one mind, as an example: This is a "construction," a diagram, expressing the mind of the guy whose mind this is being "channeled"---i.e. the mind of Adam Blatner. You will note many parts to this mind. In the upper right is a caricature of his face---though he's not that chubby---it just takes the form of a circle. But all the other elements in this mandala---a term for a circular diagram with a general sense of symmetry---is the sheer variety of forms.
Okay, what this means, first, is that there are a lot of parts to this one person. There are lots of parts to everyone, and they're different for everyone! This is extremely important! You have a great complexity of your role reperotire too! You are the only you in the whole universe of hundreds of billions of galaxies each with hundreds of billions of stars, many of which have worlds and some of them sustain life and some of them sustain intelligent life. That is to say, you and your species is hardly alone in the vastness of the cosmos. But still, complexity is so incomprehensibly vast that humans cannot begin to grasp it---but you can begin to appreciate that it is both vast and incomprehensible---that, you can know. (See paper on individuality.) Anyway, because of that complexity, it is so that you are the absolutely only you in the entire cosmos, and you are charged (so to speak) by God (who is the Everything Becoming) to help co-create as fully as possible what you are while also helping the whole be in any sense better---the more ways the better. That's all you need to know. You cannot know more---the system won't do it. Radios can't channel more than the audio part of a television show. And your minds and bodies are vehicles to channel all sorts of things to all sorts of degrees, but yet far from all that is going on. You have just a little fragment of it all---that's why God is so glorious.
You are able now to glimpse the glory. Glimpse is a good word, or get an echo, partially perceive. A century ago only a few folks could hardly do that. So it's happening right now, building up to the right now, and you can help spread the word, turn folks on, get a little more sense of the excitement of it all, right now.
But don't strain your brain. Open just a little, that's all that's needed. Don't try very hard. That will actually get in the way. It's being handed to you as you open receptively to the idea that it will continue to be handed to you, as you can handle it, don't get greedy---that won't help a bit. Everyone will get what they can absorb at their own level through their own channels of sensitivity---which, as I mentioned, are unique.
Who's giving? Your angels. God delegates energies and other sublime qualities such as the ability to assess and calibrate input to platoons of angels, about thirty of them for each person. Don't take any of this literally, because it's all multi-dimensional and words hardly suffice. Anyway, "It takes a village." You are deeply loved, but humans are like little children who hardly know what that means. They can be profoundly innocent and sweet, but when bewildered and frustrated, they respond with their tiny minds by being brats. Some sulk, some tantrum, few realize the patience or kindness being offered to them by their patients. So it is with our angels.
You don't have to believe in angels or any of this to enjoy the pictures. Let the pictures or words work in your imagination. Anyway, here's the first picture with an explanation:
Explanation: So I'm not going to explicate all of these 12 major aspects and innumerable minor aspects, except to say that they represent various roles, and as I say, you have many roles, too, major and minor, interests, stuff that's not so interesting but still some. If I had to show all the little circles of all possible roles and involvements that Adam was not interested in at all this picture would be surrounded on the outside with a million more little balls, each one representing a category or sphere of involvement that Adam didn't care much about.
Adam might be able to be interested in some people and their interests beyond what's shown above, at least for a while. He has a lively curiosity and a social sense and he meets other people who have their own interests or involvements. It's not that he considers these un-interesting in themselves---they are obviously interesting to the person involved. This one's grandchild, that one's hobby, the other one's political cause. It's just that his plate, as you can see above, is more than full, and if he can give decent attention to what he cares about and likes, that's quite enough, thank you.
Someone asked me to list the major roles as hinted at on the mandala above, so:
1. Psychiatrist, psychotherapist, physician, medicine, healer, counselor
2. Philosopher, blogger, thinker, reflector on life, articulator, explainer, confabulologist, spiritual pilgrim
3. Singer, folk songs, romantic, kid's songs, silly songs, camp songs, popular songs, made-up tunes
4. Artist (see above), cartoonist, doodler, geometrician, esoteric art...
5. Dancer, ballroom (55 years, 42,309 dances); folk dance (52 years, 54,833 dances); square dancing, round dancing, home dancing...
6. Family Man, lover, husband, pal, dad, granpa, son-in-law, cousin, brother, etc.
7. Friend, mentor, supporter, other social groups, supporter
8. Psychodramatist, sociodramatist, related activities, networker, writer, presenter
9. Teacher, professor, conference presenter (national and international), workshop leader, writer of published articles..
10. Reader, scholar, browser, book-hound, used-book shopper,
11. Playful elf, Imaginologist
12. Homemaker, food preparer, shopper, dishwasher, launderer, maintenance,