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(Here is some information on how to promote networking about psychodrama on the internet. Posted on his website by Adam Blatner, M.D, on June 30, 2002.)
If you use psychodrama, role playing, sociometry, sociodrama, drama therapy or other action methods in psychotherapy, education, community building, business consultations, spiritual development and retreats, and other contexts, you might want to network with like-minded others. The listserve manager, Tom Treadwell (ttreadwe@albie.wcupa.edu) sent instructions in April, 2002, about how to subscribe & un-subscribe to Grouptalk:Dear Psychodrama Colleague
As a member of the network of psychodramatists online, you can be informed of various new members, forthcoming conferences, etc., without having to get the entire list of addresses each time, which takes up a lot of time and space on your email area.
Using a "listserve," you can have letters addressed to you alone, from a listserve already managed (coordinated) by Dr. Tom Treadwell at the West Chester University Department of Psychology in West Chester, Pennsylvania (one of the only academic departments in the USA offering a concentration in psychodrama, sociometry, and group psychotherapy).
The name of Treadwell's listserve is "Grouptalk," and to subscribe to grouptalk, follow
these instructions:To subscribe: Address email to grouptalk with "-request" at the end.
In the message body, type in the word subscribe, with your own email
address following: For example:
To: grouptalk-request@albie.wcupa.edu
Message: subscribe grouptalk [insert your own email address]
So, if your email address is johndoe@domainename.net
e.g. subscribe grouptalk johndoe@domainame.net
- -To send a message:
Once you are subscribed, you can send an email to the whole list by addressing it to
- -To Get "Grouptalk Digest": to get one summary a week...
Send email to grouptalk-digest with -request at the end. In the message
body, type in the word subscribe. For example:To: grouptalk-request@albie.wcupa.edu
Message: subscribe grouptalk-digest johndoe@domainame.net
(Notice how you are putting your own email address instead)
- - - - - - - - -To Unsubscribe:
Send email to grouptalk-request with -request at the end. In the message
body, type in the word unsubscribe. For example:To: grouptalk-request@albie.wcupa.edu
Message: unsubscribe grouptalk johndoe@domainame.net
But put your own email address instead)(DO NOT send your email to the grouptalk mailing list. Follow the
instructions just above and keep this on file on your computer to refer to in
the future.)
Some suggestions from me (Adam):When you join, how about introducing yourself? Name, general region in the country or what country are you from, general level of experience with psychodrama, and mainly, if you have some special areas that you'd like to share your experience, and/or want to get support from others about a special interest, please tell us what those interests are!
I think the internet could be a good activity for building group cohesion. Hope this works for you.
(Some net-iquette:)
1. Don't send attached files to the group as a whole. In these times of viruses, that's an imposition. Instead, offer a file in the body of the email, describing its contents, and those who want it can ask for it.
2. Don't forward the kinds of messages that make the rounds of the internet, no matter how noble these causes may seem. It is an imposition, and frequently a hoax or a scam.
3. Some folks don't agree with this, but I think that brief personal messages, like "Hi, Mary, I liked what you said," or "Welcome, Bill..." should be "back-channeled" which means you should address your email to the person you're writing to rather than to the whole list.
On the other hand, we do want to hear reports of upcoming conferences, new books or articles being published, and discussions of issues, questions, etc., make it much more stimulating.What else should be said or revised on this webpage?
For responses, email me at ablatner@aol.com