A conference I attended in late
June, 2012 (The British Psychodrama Association Conference west
of London) has as its theme Innovations and Integrations. What
struck me about the design (left), which is fine, is that it
draws on the metaphor of mechanism, clockworks, gears. Someone
observed that the mind in its complexity tends to be modeled in
terms of the most complex technology. (The problem with current
technology is that we don't know yet where it will lead!) So the
complexity of a fine clock harkens back to the wonders of two-
to three hundred years ago. In Freud's time, it involved the
mysteries of pressure and volume---fluid dynamics, plumbing.
(Indoor toilets were just coming in.) A few decades later the
mind was likened to an electrical switchboard, and more recently
people are trying to figure out the mind as if it were a
computer or more, a network of computers, or the internet.
The problem is that they all deal with rational forms of
information processing and no systems other than playful mind
are capable of entertaining the wealth of paradoxes involved.
Mind varies with attention, motivation, fatigue, levels of
consciousness, hunger, other appetites, the presence of
distractions, its inclination to be playful or rebellious, and
the many other influences that may come into the different
individuals involved. This one partakes more of sports and that
one more of mathematics. I've been impressed by thinkers who
find in the phenomena associated with geometric topology or
biological processes hints at the paradigm-shifting nature of
what we're learning about how the cosmos works. Chaos and
fractals now offer ways to think about quantum mechanics. An of
late many physicists and deep thinkers are daring to consider
seriously the implications of dimensionality. while this was
once imagined to be a science-fiction device, many now take it



Calabai-Yau "Dragon"
?? These from the internet!
My hunch is that mind is indeed multi-dimensional; or, that
reality is only partly time, space, matter, and energy; it also
is information and consciousness, the ways that knowledge is
transformed; and it also mixes chaos and order within matrices
of play. It is and must be truly inconceivable, but yet mind can
in part dare to conceive of it. ... and my preference is that of
a multi-dimensional form, the Calabai-Yau matrix.

I'm reminded also of the hint of multi-dimensionality in these
other drawings---on the left, a Tibetan "yantra" or sacred

drawing used for
meditation. To the right is another Calabai Yau diagram, and
more can be found by clicking on the images on google.
Mind includes categories that can't be represented
mathematically. First of all, their parameters are not precise,
but fuzzy: cute-ness, funny, pleasant, confusing, startling,
amazing, tiresome, mind-boggling, suspicious, and so forth are
not clearly definable. Such qualities are not only subjective,
but also they vary with culture and individual temperament,
ability, and other individual variables.
Although these pictures are from others' pens, via the worldwide
web, I recognize in my various mandalas a tendency to create
similar drawings, and also vaguely have associations to what I
have expressed on this page: There are processes of the mind and
the social matrix that indeed cannot be specified.

For example, on
the left is a relationship (someone else's picture, but it feels
right to me)---a multi-dimensional relationship that involves
the many aspects of connection. (This is how I feel resonant
with my dear wife Allee.)
We are god's fingertips, tiny cells at the end of the Great
Becoming, extending into 3-D space (4-D if we make it
space-time) and we are learning to more fully utilize the
potentials in that realm to actualize ever-more, create what we
can. We've only just begun, a speech-enabled species for less
than a mere hundred thousand years, on an accelerating upward
curve of "progress." Whoosh! Our job is to become ever-more
creative in whatever ways we can---and nice, kind, ethical, and
inclusive---weaving those more emotional-social virtues into our
progress is intrinsic, not only for its aesthetic values (It's
nice to be nice, it feels all good together), but also
practical. We create better collaboratively!